Cosmeceuticals, a merger of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, aim to deliver functional benefits beyond traditional cosmetics while still appealing to consumers. Because of advances in cosmetics, the quality of cosmetic goods used today has improved and their diversity has expanded, just as it has in every other business. The cosmetic industry has gained a new and innovative approach by integrating nanomaterials such as nanofibers, nanoparticles, Nano liposomes and Nano pigments into the formulation of cosmetic products. Nanofibers have emerged as a promising invention in the realm of cosmeceuticals due to their unique properties of large surface area, flexibility, porous structure and versatility. Electrospinning stands out as a highly favoured method for producing nanofibers in the cosmetics industry. Nanofibers find applications in various cosmetic products and treatments. For instance, they are used in facial masks, deodorants and in addressing issues like alopecia and wound dressings. Nanofiber facial masks offer advantages in cleansing, surpassing the effectiveness of regular commercial masks in removing debris and oil from the skin. They have also been explored as a method for creating anti-acne patches, potentially providing a more efficient solution for managing acne concerns.