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Published on:September 2023
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2023; 57(4):965-970.
Original Article | doi:10.5530/ijper.57.4.118

Quality by Design based Quercetin Hydrate Nanoemulsions for Enhanced Solubility by Reducing Particle Size

Authors and affiliation (s):

Lakavath Sunil Kumar1,*, Hindustan Abdul Ahad2

1Department of Pharmacy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.

2Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER)- Autonomous, K.R. Palli Cross, Chiyyedu (P), Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.


Aim/Background: The oral-based drug delivery system has a great pace in this era of novel discoveries. The globe is running toward new medical dosage forms, but from the primer days of drug discovery to now, a major issue faced by pharmaceutical scientists is solubility and bioavailability issues. The nanoemulsions are the best suitable formulations which can upsurge the bioavailability of the insoluble drugs. In the past three years, many research activities have been conducted due to the pandemic situation. Almost all nations have concentrated on scientific and medical research during this process. Materials and Methods: In recent days, quercetin hydrate has been found to have anti-malarial activity for which the bioavailability can be uplifted by using Nanoemulsion formulations. The authors used the high-energy process for formulating the nanoemulsions with the support of design expert software, where it was easy to find the number of trials to be performed. Various tools are used for the optimization of formulations for novel drug delivery systems. These tools have been found advantageous as they lead to a reduction in the number of experiments and less wastage of costly reagents. The purpose of the selection of a Central Composite Design (CCD) was that it required fewer runs over various other designs. Results: According to the design expert, CCD software was accessible for 17 runs, which corresponded to 17 groupings or formulations. Batches produced by the experimental design were formulated and assessed for globule size and dispersibility. Conclusion: Even though quercetin hydrate has been approved as a remedy for the treatment of various disorders, its poor oral bioavailability due to poor aqueous solubility and variable absorption is still a challenge in its clinical applications. Quercetin hydrate-loaded nanoemulsion fabricated with Opuntia ficus indica seed oil, PEG400, tween 80, and ethanol resulted in getting nano-sized particles that help in drug solubility and bioavailability. This work illustrated the importance of nanoemulsion to enhance the bioavailability of Quercetin hydrate. Keywords: Quercetin hydrate, Bioavailability, Design expert, Globule size, Nanoemulsion.



Impact Factor

IJPER - An Official Publication of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India is pleased to announce continued growth in the Latest Release of Journal Citation Reports (source: Web of Science Data).


Impact Factor® as reported in the 2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2023): 0.8

The Official Journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)
(Registered under Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860 No. 122 of 1966-1967, Lucknow)

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (IJPER) [ISSN-0019-5464] is the official journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) and is being published since 1967.


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