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Published on:September 2023
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2023; 57(4):1208-1218.
Original Article | doi:10.5530/ijper.57.4.144

An Overview on Development, Approval and Post Registration Activities for Pharmaceuticals in European Union

Authors and affiliation (s):

Thanush D1 , Balamuralidhara V2,*, Thoyajaksha V2 , Deeksha K S2 , Gowthami K R2

1Department of Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, JSS College of Pharmacy, JSS Academy of Higher Education Research, Mysuru, Karnataka, INDIA.

2Department of Pharmaceutics, JSS College of Pharmacy, JSS Academy of Higher Education Research, S.S. Nagar, Mysuru, Karnataka, INDIA


Bringing a new medicine from concept to market is costly and complex. Years of study and development go into it. Product development operations should be carried out in line with applicable regulatory standards to save time and money when bringing innovations to the marketplace. While the information on regulatory requirements is readily accessible, navigating the regulatory system is complex and becomes considerably more difficult when working with many countries. The primary goal is to improve regulatory awareness and achieve regulatory compliance in product development. An excellent place to start is with one of these ideas. The guide is not a list of laws but a discussion of the foundational ideas and principles governing regulatory policymaking and enforcement in the European Union. Throughout the drug's lifespan, these rules are consistent. Companies may standardise their processes and keep track of every action at every step of the lifecycle by developing a workflow and adhering to its stages of lifecycle compliance for each set of guidelines. Because of the current pharmaceutical market's complexity, more efficient drug research and manufacturing are required. This review article is based on the information collected from various sources from EMA and ICH websites and the articles mentioned. Despite the extreme complexity, Product Lifecycle Management has the potential to make pharmaceutical manufacturing more efficient and less risky. Pharmaceutical product lifecycle management during various phases such as research and development, regulatory submission and approval, commercialisation and marketing plays a significant role.

Keywords: Product Lifecycle Management, Navigation Pathway, New Product Development, Post Approval Changes, Regulatory Review, European Union.



Impact Factor

IJPER - An Official Publication of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India is pleased to announce continued growth in the Latest Release of Journal Citation Reports (source: Web of Science Data).


Impact Factor® as reported in the 2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2023): 0.8

The Official Journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)
(Registered under Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860 No. 122 of 1966-1967, Lucknow)

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (IJPER) [ISSN-0019-5464] is the official journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) and is being published since 1967.


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